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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


She sat on splintered board
anxiously waiting to hear
God‘s soothing words 
to relieve her dispair.
For far too long
she has suffered the pain,
her family's indignation
their cruelty and shame.
It needed to end
something had to give 
her life must be mended
she needed to live.

"Oh God, please help me!"
her lips muttered prayers
"I am feeling so empty,
so scattered and frayed.
I left You too long
I blasphemed and I cursed.
I hated,  beriled you
now for what it is worth,
I have come seeking forgiveness
a lost lonely child 
a sheep in the wilderness
no direction, no guile"

Her tears started spilling
over ruby red rims 
Her throat was just tightening
as she heard the first hymn.
"There is a green hill far away.."
she remembered the tune 
she gathered composure
and started to croon. 

She stood fast in the pew 
Holding tight to the seats
Still trying to focus
and respond to the beats
The congregation sang
their voices soared high
"... He died to save us all.."
so who could deny.

The lights from the alcove
Twinkled bright in the night
fragrant smelling evergreen
a most beautiful sight 
 pine trees standing tall
with tinsel and angels,
the gold leaves enthralled
"Oh come all ye faithful..."

Another year will end soon
And a new one will start
This time will be different
With renewed strength of heart
It has taken too long 
To admit to her wrongs
now standing before Him
and singing His songs

"You are my Holy Father
And I am your child
I was made in your image
This I am told
So nothing's impossible
With You in my soul" 

She left the pew then
With peace in her heart
To greet the cool morning
His veil lifting the dark 
The Xmas service ended
Will the cycle repeat?
The uncontrollable lusts,
the episodes, the cheats 

She is temporarily troubled
Disoriented, unsure.
Smiling timidly now
she exits the door 
for she knows that her Father
Will always be there
To give her the strength
To face the New year

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work hon. :) I nominated you for a blog award :) Check out my blog :)


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