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Friday, February 24, 2012


Hey friends,

Just a taste of the new novella I am writing.....you can tell me what you think....


The light filtered through a still darkened sky. Streaks of pale orange meandered between fluffy grey clouds pinned against a deep silvered canvas. The covers were pulled high against her chin, its length cocooning her trembling frame. She was cold and she shivered. The early dawn brought no comfort and dispelled no fear. The rhythmic beat of the machine to her right that sprung to life once connected to her index finger did nothing but remind her of the heavy footsteps and laboured breathing of the night before. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to forget.

The workout at the gym was murder. My new personal trainer made Chuck Norris look like Mary, of Little Lamb fame. I had  decided it was time to step it up and firm up those areas  of my bod that were rapidly losing the fight against gravity. I always embraced the concept of spreading my wings, reaching for the sky, expanding my horizons and such generally related vernacular, but when my ass started to resemble a small shelf upon which my rolled bath towel rested comfortably, I realized with much trepidation that a new player must be brought into the game. 

Enter Damien, my nemesis.

TO BE CONTINUED....................


Hey there friends,

I know I have not been here for awhile.  Was kinda busy...but just chillaxing today as it is my birthday...50....I made it....new cycle of life begins.
