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Thursday, August 11, 2011


Dearest Friends

I started writing poetry and a cathartic blog in January of this year (2011). I am constantly amazed at the journey I have taken during these eight months.

You may wonder why the new blog, new look, new space...well I am at a new juncture in my life....this is what I refer to as THE SECOND LEVEL.....

New associations, new colleagues, new mentors....new thoughts, new modus operandi... Paradigm Shift.

So I am again starting anew....

My style of writing has changed considerably and you will find in this new blog I have done some re-writes of my older pieces....the old blog is still there


so you are more than welcome to go there, join, follow and enjoy the works.

I welcome your comments and your encouragement and I hope I can have some discussions with you on the topics I post.

If they hit hard...tell me, if you hate them, tell me.....if you love them....even then....

Hope to hear you guys really soon....

Blessings to all of you


1 comment:

  1. NUT......wait and see...if you hang around long enough...:D


Hey Guys...your comments are welcomed..Blessings Cher