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Sunday, November 25, 2012


It has been sixteen years since my Mother has died. Her birthday was yesterday. She would have been 71.

There are a lot of memories....I must admit that the majority of them were not of the fairy tale variety, but that is life and we live and we learn.

The roles have now been transferred and I am a Mother. One thing that I have come to term with is that at times we do not make the popular choices and more often than not we are chastised for it. We make decisions based on our knowledge and experience and my mother did the same. I can no longer be annoyed with her and blame her for her choices and her point of view.....she acted based on what she knew, how she was brought up and her loyalties.

I loved my Mother...maybe not in the sense that most people understand.....we never talked about girlie things or boys or the world....in most instances she presented her opinion...pre-conceived as it may seem..and I was expected to listen.  She had a strength about her I did respect, an independence but at times that slipped into arrogance.  They tell me I am like her. I smile.

I miss my Mother....I loved my Mother...I still do and always will.....I have learnt from her and  her memory will be with me, always.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Phyllis Hyacinth Corbin Parris!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


There are times when we think it best to question everything, and I mean everything......being a scientist you may logically assume that I subscribe to that school of thought.

Well, surprise, surprise...No I do NOT.

I have had many a turbulent ride during my half a century existence and there has been much that was unimaginable and incomprehensible, to say the least. But I know that  through the energies of my inner spirit and universal guidance my path will be charted along the best course possible.  I may journey on roads that my bare feet may become bruised and scarred.....my heart will hurt and feel torn but it is all for a reason, a good reason.

Strength of character will be built surrounded by the walls of ethical and moral fortitude.

We need to recognize that in this world we are but a speck, an atom in the complex components of the universe. Matter does not revolve around us, we merge with the elements and we are part of the whole, not its centre. We work in harmony with the other energies that make up this place we call home.

So, take sometime and stop....strip off the earthly garb and just breathe and become at home and at peace with your universe.

and for heaven's sake...............Stop Over Analyzing....



Friday, September 14, 2012

Hey Guys,

How have you been doing?  Yes, Yes... I know.. I have been away for too long and I am hoping the ink in my pen has not dried up....LOL

things have been a bit hectic and I have had to prioritize my life...but I have not forgotten those persons who do take the time to follow this blog...so I say to you..thank you for staying true....and I will try to keep in touch....

Shout outs to all of my friends and followers, hope you and your family and loved ones are well....

Blessings to all of you  and remember...keep writing, keep reading and be happy!!!!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Checkin in

Hi guys

I have been off for  a while...pressures of work and so on..but I have been writing....so I will be sharing a few pieces with you...I am really loving my Haikus and hope you will enjoy them too.



Saturday, June 16, 2012



Wednesday, June 13, 2012


stuck....stuck in a rhytmn
that's going no where
gripped by fear
should I dare
to question
my pace
my place
in this race
for award
my efforts
give me the cup
to sup 
of the dreams
i should follow
sprinkle the
with fairy dust
click red heels
feel the wind
at my back
blow away
the nightmare
of fear 
my dreams
are black
are back
to the crack
of the whip
on this nigger's back

Copyright 2012

I LIVE......

Hey Guys

I have been offline for a bit...life has been crazy and a bit rough. But somehow you get thru it....I have had many thoughts that are snaking through my brain and causing some turmoil at times and I have not written for a while so I promised to get back to it by the weekend.  My two novellas are suffering.

So to some up things over the past few weeks.....

I LIVE.... I do not merely EXIST.  Time is precious and therefore I will spend it with those I care for, those I admire and those who care for me. I shall not waste my moments in places where I am not wanted. I will continue to thrive as I am fed the jewels of this life by the Omnipotent Spirit. 

Blessings Be

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


name not known
face not shown
brave are we
life’s to live
see what gives

note the pm
there is none
who is he
just have some fun
start the convo
hi my name’s X
await reply
see what’s next

words are shared
across the space
virtual hugs
face palm
sad face
flutter lashes
fingers hot
cell phone crashes

battery pull
let’s start again
find the convo
find the pin
there he is
he said he was waiting
on what you don’t know
just keep on chatting

complete cycle
he asks your name
you blush and say
call me babe
the bond is made
the virtual net
is thrown and cast
you laugh and smile
this too shall pass

what is the name
continue the game

C. A. Corbin
© 2012

THIRST (Haiku)

Parched lips cracked swollen
Nectar squirts sweet ambrosia
The Goddess fulfilled


forbidden fruits ripe
picked licked sucked dry to the seed
pleasures satisfied

Sunday, April 29, 2012

HINDSIGHT - My ebook now REDUCED in price


Here is the link to my ebook now going at US$0.99

You can download a free sample and if you like it..please buy it.

This anthology was written awhile ago...my style of writing as changed and has improved, but it is always good to know where we have come from so we can see where we must go.

Enjoy and please comment or leave a review on the page...



Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quick shout out....

Hi friends,

I was really busy today... wrote a short story...writing some more of my novel and just generally enjoying painting with words...sometimes the imagery is so strong (like in my latest story) that I can feel the raw emotion of the characters...I feel their pain and I cry with them.. Yup.. did that today.....

But..just thought I would drop in and say hi...hope all is well with you guys and feel the love and blessings from my side of the world.

Take care


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Face Front.....

Face front...don't look back..move forward....the past is there to support us in the present and push us into the future....it is an engine that propels us ....we must keep moving....if we don't...we die....physically, mentally, emotionally.

Let our challenges fuel our success, let our failures be lessons for our future....we have been placed here because we have value, we have worth....we ARE.....

I Am.....

You should be....too


Monday, April 16, 2012


The clinking and clanging
Of stainless steel pots
The gushing tap water
Preparation of pork hocks

The sizzle of meat
As it hits the hot oil
The smell of fresh thyme
Water coming to boil

The chop chopping of knives
Veggies cut on aged board
The dip and the taste
Just nodding, no words

The meal is soon ready
She makes final checks
Puts plates on the table
Stands back and inspects.

A glance at the clock
Final smooth of the linen
A quick look in the mirror
Start the record player spinning

There is a knock on the door
Ah, he is finally here
Moving quickly to the foyer
Down the split landing stair

She smelt his cologne
A strange pleasant scent
Of musky lemon notes
Not sure what this meant

But opening the door
It was finally revealed
A bouquet of white lilies
Wrapped in soft tissue teal

He was finally here
Her hero, her knight
The sojourn was ended
No more dark, lonely nights

No longer a boy
With soft baby features
But a man of pure strength
Scholar once, now a teacher

My son, my sweet son
At last, you have come home”
“Yes Mama, I’m here
No more do I roam”

The tears flowed both ways
No care for those around
Her son had returned
He was back safe and sound

With love they embraced
The earth stood quite still
She was proud of her boy
Her King on the Hill


Hello friends

Just a quick shout out to wish you all a blessed day and to encourage each of you to light your creative spark and let it shine brightly for all to see......we are pen-warriors!!!

Love to all of you


Sunday, April 15, 2012

HINDSIGHT: A Journey of Introspection


Take a look and download a sample...your support would be greatly appreciated....


Today I welcome St. Vincent and Israel.....hello you guys...hope you are enjoying the pieces....




Dearest friends,

You have viewed my blog just over 1000 times.....I am so thrilled...thank you for looking, listening and understanding.  I may not be here every day, but my writing and heart felt passion is here...for you to enjoy.

It has been awesome to see that persons as far away from my home in Barbados as Malaysia, Russia, China and Australia have been reading my words.

Again I thank you and I would like to hear from you guys some time.  If you do not wish to leave your comments you can contact me at


I will respond promptly.



Saturday, April 14, 2012

No More Holding Patterns......

How much longer are you going to keep circling? Makes no sense.....#land....step outside your box...get your toes wet.....and be the creative soul you were meant to be.....this is time for #RightBrainWarriors

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Good morning friends:

Here's is wishing you all a wonderful day today...may you be richly blessed.  Special shout out to my new friends in Russia...send me an email..I would love to know who you are and what your country is like.... cherbeautyglam@gmail.com

Take care

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Dearest friends

I know many of you are established or budding writers.  I would like for you to take advantage of a very economical graphic design service for your book covers and promotional material from DeODesigns - a division of DeOlivereOriginals Barbados.

You can visit the website at www.deolivereoriginals.com

and I have above and example of the cover of my upcoming book 'SILVERED MIRRORS' to give you an idea as to how great the graphic work is.  I know many of you will be using indie or self-publishing and may think that just because it is an e-book that the covers don't really matter if you are reading on Kindle and so on.  Well I think they do, because when you are searching for books to read or buy, the covers still draw your attention, especially if the author is not yet well known.

So if you are interested you can drop us an email   deolivereoriginals@gmail.com and we can give you further information.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.





For the Christian folks among us this four day weekend culminates a major point of significance for those who follow the path of Jesus.

I have friends of many faiths and beliefs.

I therefore would like to encourage all of you to take this four day time period and use it as a point of reflection during this year. The story is based on the path of a person who kept strong to their principles, belief and faith in their Father. They were subjected to persecution, scorn and finally crucifixion, of which, they Rose and triumphed.

Let us use this as an example for our life's path. Whether you be Hindu, Muslim, JW or Rastafari, take a moment and reflect on our interactions and the results of our actions to our fellow man. Let us shed the material burdens and facades and be true to ourselves, and only then can we be true to others and contribute to the beauty that is around us; that which has been given to us to protect.

I for one am forever grateful for whatever is thrown my way, for I know it is a lesson to be learnt. However it is dressed, wrapped or presented, a life lesson lies within.

So my friends, enjoy your days. Take the time to breathe and be at peace with yourself and the universe.

Take the time to RISE AND BE!



Saturday, April 7, 2012

My E-Book has been re-formatted

Hey Friends

My E-Book "HINDSIGHT" has be re-formatted for viewing on all tablets and PC's and of course Kindle.

The Link is below


Enjoy,,,oh BTW  you can sample the book and at only $US1.99 it's a steal!!!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012




I was once asked

"If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago?"

Whenever I think of that question I smile.....hindsight is 20-20....and we wish we could have been blessed with the visual acuity to see and the advanced mental capacity to understand every situation before we ventured into it.  But that would make life very boring and plagued with no challenges at all.  How would we build our characters, our personalities, our idiosyncrasies.

But, I thought, how would I change it?  Having the power to change a time-line cannot be taken lightly as the actions and purposes that are affected are infinite. Would your good friend of recent times still be your good friend of today. Would passing that mirrored surface on the street of hundreds, that one glance you gave yourself, of yourself, and you saw how despaired you looked, how down trodden and defeated, if you hadn't looked, would you have made the effort to walk a bit taller and straighter and had the courage to tackle your demons head on? Probably not.

So, is the question pointless.....I don't think so.... my answer.... 

                   I needed to take control of my life....I needed to understand and recognize what was good   for ME.....and not what the status quo told me was good for me...I pride myself in being logical and analytical...I also know that I am intuitive and my gut works very well (smile) 

Since then, I have attempted to take control of my life. But I am not so sure I have achieved the goal. I know I must continue on my journey, the challenges, the heart break and the realizations.

They will come.  They will hurt.  They will be conquered.  I will be strong.  Where do I find my strength?  In my conviction.


Until we meet again my friend.

Be steady in your walk....be vigilant in you stride....be purposeful in your being.....be sensitive in your touch.

You make a difference to the world.....you are blessed.

{Artwork by DeOlivere}

Sunday, April 1, 2012


My dearest friends

I have been away from my blog for some time.  I do apologize for this and I will make an effort to be here at least once a week.  More if I can fit it in.

I have been on a journey of decisions.....some I have had to make that are not the popular choices, some would precipitate estrangement from newer associations once referred to as friendships, and some that I am sure will bring new visions and sunrises that will nourish my being and allow me to continue to be of worth to my fellow man (or woman for that matter).

My writing still remains important to me.  It is the portal through which I can express my inner most thoughts and feelings, even under the guise of a fictional character.

I have entered on a path where some persons I truly admire are walking or have already left their toe impressions in the dirt.

I would like to recognize a very special woman who has welcomed me into her space....Nailah Imoja is  a spirited soul. She has extended her arms to me and I blissfully absorb her aura of wisdom and humour.

 Nailah, thank you for your kindness and I am eternally grateful.

Have a wonderful day my friends.

I bid you all Blessings...


Friday, February 24, 2012


Hey friends,

Just a taste of the new novella I am writing.....you can tell me what you think....


The light filtered through a still darkened sky. Streaks of pale orange meandered between fluffy grey clouds pinned against a deep silvered canvas. The covers were pulled high against her chin, its length cocooning her trembling frame. She was cold and she shivered. The early dawn brought no comfort and dispelled no fear. The rhythmic beat of the machine to her right that sprung to life once connected to her index finger did nothing but remind her of the heavy footsteps and laboured breathing of the night before. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to forget.

The workout at the gym was murder. My new personal trainer made Chuck Norris look like Mary, of Little Lamb fame. I had  decided it was time to step it up and firm up those areas  of my bod that were rapidly losing the fight against gravity. I always embraced the concept of spreading my wings, reaching for the sky, expanding my horizons and such generally related vernacular, but when my ass started to resemble a small shelf upon which my rolled bath towel rested comfortably, I realized with much trepidation that a new player must be brought into the game. 

Enter Damien, my nemesis.

TO BE CONTINUED....................


Hey there friends,

I know I have not been here for awhile.  Was kinda busy...but just chillaxing today as it is my birthday...50....I made it....new cycle of life begins.
